Copyright © 2015 by "Assotherm srl" · All Rights reserved · P.IVA 03373940166

Assotherm group began as a self-employed company, which is primarily aimed to the achievement of insulations and options in the area of heat and acoustic insulation.
In the first years of operation, the company deals with installation for third parties; from here on out Assotherm starts to cooperate with its customers, by providing its own competence on insulation materials. Assotherm becomes now a capital company, this allows it to be part of a group, which is able to gain the trust of many customers and members of the installation field.
The prerogative of the company is always the same: giving solutions to the installation, which are able to save energy in the supply, with due regard to the product quality.
In 2006 Assotherm becomes a Divisions’ group, which offers different solutions to the plumber fitter. The insulation division is in charge of production, supply and installation of insulation material for conditioning, hydro-sanitary, heating, cooling, vapour, diathermic oil systems and applications aimed at saving energy and noise abatement.
The valves and systems division is able to provide an own production of materials, employed in the civil and industrial heating and plumbing, as some highly innovative systems that can reduce the share of labour costs in plumbing installation.
In 2009, thank to the experience acquired, products and services has been implemented with the realisation of an own radiant heating system, named Agi-Comfort. In this field, Assotherm offers its expertise from the design stage and sizing of the system to the final testing.
In 2010, the company development is looking for new products, dedicated to the product improvement in the installation stage. Such activity has allowed Assotherm becoming a priority interlocutor in the management of Press Fittings systems (made in carbon steel, stainless steel AISI 316L, copper and multilayer).
The continuous monitoring of new solutions, with a strong passion in teamwork, leads Assotherm to the global market, gaining the trust of many foreign customers.
Today Assotherm exports its products and services in more than 25 European Countries and around the world.
Assotherm Group, which has a staff of 29 people, is willing and able to work with all of the companies that are looking for a reliable and serious partner, in order to create a partnership that offers an high quality product, certificated by European legislation.
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